Maine Lining Adventures

When a junkie mainlines dope they inject it straight into their veins. Much the same way Melinda mainlines adventures in to hers. This time in Maine. First we coddiwhompled to Bar Harbor and checked out...

Avoid Thousand Trails Tuxbury Pond!

When good camping goes bad. Tuxbury Pond in New Hampshire was a nightmare. The front desk and reservation people gave no thought to reservations and seemed to not care. The RV sites are poorly designed....

We’ve Been Everywhere!

Well, technically not EVERYWHERE! Had an overcast afternoon and decided to have some fun with video. We have not been everywhere Johnny Cash sings about, buy who has?

Connecticut & Craziness

Connecticut & Coddiwomples Part II Adventures are not ALWAYS about stealing antiquities, cracking whips, and car chases (the really good ones are though!). Sometimes, it’s just a coddiwomple through the winding back roads of Connecticut...

Coddiwomple Connecticut

Coddiwomple: “to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination”. Melinda lives by this term. “Coddiwomple” was made for her. Melinda, Gizmo, and I rode the bikes down to Waterford to return a motorcycle...

Jersey, Boy!

The beginning of June found us in New Jersey. This was one of the stops on Paul’s list to get to play card in Atlantic CIty. Turns out the only place to play $2/5 No...

1 If By Land, 2 if by Sea, 3 if Both!

Scariest Tunnels in America! We exit Virginia May 31st and head across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge/Tunnel. This was voted the scariest bridge/tunnel in America. There are three bridge segments totaling 17 miles (across a section...

Virginia is for Leavers

Williamsburg, Virginia One of our adventures on Saturday in Virginia was to take in Colonial Williamsburg. I now know where all the bricks that were ever made ended up. We walked around and checked out...

On the Road Again

On the Road Again Lot of people asking, so “what’s next?” Damned good question. Our biggest problem is finding new adventures. We were too successful finding fun on the first lap of America. From Advance,...

Myrtle, Charlotte, & Advance, Oh My!

We left Jacksonville and headed north to Myrtle Beach for a couple of weeks. From there, we headed over to Charlotte and stayed at the Carowind’s Camp Wilderness for a week. Myrtle Hung out with...

Callahan, Florida

Half of March and April we spent in Callahan, Florida. We visited my friend Karen and her husband, Stan, on Amelia Island, went to lunch a few times, and took the Fernandina Boat Tour, which...

Traffic Hell!

In the last four and half years Melinda and I have traveled all over the country. I have never seen traffic as as bad as central Florida. Ever. Even Los Angeles traffic was better managed...