Melinda's birthday celebration

Melinda’s birthday celebration

Birthday Fitbit

Birthday Fitbit

Anyone that knows Melinda, knows she doesn’t celebrate her birthDAY. She celebrates her birthMONTH. In fact, for years after we were married, I didn’t realize that we went out to dinner on the 8th of each month as the monthly anniversary of her birthday. In keeping with her tradition of being a queen for a day, we rode over to Bowling Green and she picked out a Fitbit she wanted (this will be her 5th – don’t ask what happened to the first 4!) I also took her out to lunch. She was craving a rib eye and mushrooms and that’s what she had. The restaurant kicked in a free lava cake with ice cream for her special day.



Cody Wyoming rodeo during our Full-Time RV is a blog to keep our friends and family informed of our latest adventures or misadventures. We are NOT RV professionals, doctors, lawyers, or travel guides. We are a couple of people who have decided to embrace the full-time RV lifestyle of idiots and gypsies.