Ray Stevens in Nashville, TN

Ray Stevens in Nashville, TN

Melinda and I grew up with the music of Ray Stevens. Best known for his comedic hits, he has also written and performed “Everything is Beautiful” and “Misty.” We saw him at his own theater, CabaRay in Nashville. A theater he admits to building because he was tired of touring. He did versions of all his hist such as “Ahab the Arab,” “Guitarzan,” “Shriner’s Convention,” and “The Mississippi Squirrel Revival.” Melinda wanted a stuffed Mississippi Squirrel. The show was great and we enjoyed the history and stories behind his music. We didn’t realize he had been in the music industry since before 1961. We had purchased our tickets way in advance and had a private table practically on the stage. We were so close, Melinda had to back up to get better pictures.

DATE: Oct 11 (WEDS)– Oct 21 (SAT), 2023 10 days
RV PARK: Lebanon East Nashville KOA
THOUSAND TRAILS: N $695 long site #43 keep trailer & rv together but only 65′
ADVENTURES: Ray Stevens, Sawyer Brown at the Grand Ole Opry
CITY: Lebanon, TN
RETURN: maybe, nice mgment, keep together


Cody Wyoming rodeo during our Full-Time RV Adventure.RVonTheRoadYet.com is a blog to keep our friends and family informed of our latest adventures or misadventures. We are NOT RV professionals, doctors, lawyers, or travel guides. We are a couple of people who have decided to embrace the full-time RV lifestyle of idiots and gypsies.