Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain

Sunrise on Cadillac Mountain

If someone you love asks you to go see the sunrise on Cadillac Mountain on Mt. Desert, Maine, take a long time and really consider how much you love them. Are they THAT critical to your life that you can’t live without them? It’s an important question. So I got up at 2:45 AM to catch the 3:30 AM shuttle to Acadia National Park. Keep in mind I normally GO to bed about 5:45 AM, so this was a bit of a change for me. The chilly cold motorcycle ride the 11 miles from our campground to Bar Harbor, Maine wasn’t horrible. We’ve been through much worse. Standing in the icy, blasting wind on top of the mountain, in the dark, freezing my ass off, waiting to see a sunrise (it’s the first place in America that you can see the sunrise due to its location and height.)… completely different deal. The only thing that mitigated the whole fiasco was that the loving bundle of joy that instigated this mess, tripped and fell on a completely flat sidewalk, off the curb and rolled in slow motion in the street. I hate that I wasn’t fast enough… to get my phone out and video that! She wasn’t hurt, but it did warm the cockles of my heart as I stood in the Artic blast for 2 hours waiting for the sky to turn pink. And if you’ve ever had your cockles warmed, you know it  may have been worth it.

SPOILER ALERT: If you look at these pictures, be warned that you will see a BUNCH of nearly identical pictures of a sunrise. Now, picture waiting for it in a sub-zero meat locker with the fan set to hurricane. This is what it takes to get Best Husband of the Year. I am setting the bar WAAAAY high!